So, as a very part time streamer you may ask why I picked DLive as my home
Other question you may ask is what is DLive.
The number 1 reason is the community and the people I have met on DLive that’s why I made DLive my home. I followed Proj3ct and Miss_MDK to DLive when they moved over from twitch as a viewer and the welcome, they got I had never seen before and was something I have not seen on any platform since. So, after visiting my Brother in Australia I Decided to give DLive a shot myself in April.
Since then I have never looked back, I have met some amazing people and even somehow created a community myself. Watching streamers and streaming inspires me everyday to help people and to help myself do better. If I was still on twitch, I’m almost 100% sure I wouldn’t be this happy about my Streaming.
DLive still new but learning
DLive is still something that people are unaware off, and some people have never heard of it which is a shame. But with the belief of people like PewDiePie, Tidy labs, LtZonda and myself (ha-ha yes, I want to be up there one day) It is constantly growing and don’t get me wrong its going to be rollercoaster ride with something new like this but I love a platform willing to learn and change when it feels it should,
Anyone Platform that listens to its streamers and I mean Listens because we have Partner meetings all the time then I will do what I can to help.
DLive is my home and if anyone needs any help with anything to do with their streams then me and the community, I am in are always happy to help.